Catchpole Lane - Gt Totham

Established clients Sand Island Developments Limited, instructed DCA to act as Designers and Contract Administrator in respect of this development where we advised on identification and purchase of the site, which was originally a garden to the adjoining property, and then maximisation of the site potential.
DCA were commissioned to obtain statutory consents for a detached house with garage. Detailed drawings were prepared for Planning and Building Regulations purposes. DCA also prepared a comprehensive design and access statement to support the planning application. The garage was initially refused planning consent but this was won on appeal which was handled by our planning consultants Ray Stemp Associates. Once the local authority granted approval DCA monitored the construction phase as contract administrator. The contractor was Blackwater Building Services Ltd.
Following completion of the works the developer sold the property. Once in occupation the new owners instructed DCA to prepare drawings for a conservatory and obtain planning consent.
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